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Nottingham, NH, United States
I'm a middle school science teacher at Nottingham and I love biology!

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Monday, December 17, 2012

AP Central - The AP English Language and Composition Exam

AP Central - The AP English Language and Composition Exam:  While high school is still a few years in the future for you, it's not too early to take a look at some examples of written responses from the AP English Exam.  You'll find examples of writing ranging from excellent to poor - with an explanation of how each piece was scored.  What do you need to do to improve your own writing?  Set some goals now!

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Christmas History

Christmas History:  Here's another website with more information about the history of Christmas

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Christmas — History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

Christmas — History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts:

Why do we hang up mistletoe or set up a tree at Christmas?  Learn about the history of Christmas!
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The Purdue OWL: Grammar

The Purdue OWL: Grammar:  Another resource to help you with any questions you might have about grammar

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Rules at Grammar Bytes!

Rules at Grammar Bytes!:  This is a great website with lots of resources for learning about grammar!

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English Rules | Grammar Rules | Punctuation and Capitalization Rules

English Rules | Grammar Rules | Punctuation and Capitalization Rules:

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Grammarly | Instant Grammar Check - Online Proofreading

Grammarly | Instant Grammar Check - Online Proofreading:

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Student Memoir Examples

Scholastic.com | Teachers: Write It | Publish Your Work: 'via Blog this'  I thought you might enjoy reading other student memoir examples!